We are living in a world where you can automate your B2B digital marketing and drive leads without doing any work. Using your resources and automation tools is just a great way to bring a lot more leads.
And in this article, we will discuss the 7 best B2B marketing automation strategies that are effective for lead generation.
Improving technologies are not about replacing people but rather empowering them to do more and automate their tasks, improve effectiveness, lower stress, and much more.
Heck, if there would be no technologies, I could not automate my b2b digital marketing and would deliver only 10% of leads.
Yeah, thanks to automation technologies I could create amazing results with a minimum of my time being wasted.
Yes, sometimes it takes some upfront time investment to properly set it up and learn to automate your b2b digital marketing.
But trust me, if you invest your time to learn to automate your b2b marketing, then your b2b inbound marketing and whole b2b digital marketing will deliver results you could not imagine if you would have to do it yourself!
Therefore, let me explain to you how I automate my b2b digital marketing and b2b inbound marketing and start generating leads with minimum effort.
So, let’s get started and automate your marketing!
1. Automate Your Drip Email Marketing for Your Forms
Definitely, the first B2B marketing automation strategy on this list is to create a drip email marketing for your forms.
Creating resources is already pretty difficult and time-consuming and if you do not automate this digital product in your b2b marketing, then you are leaving a lot of money on the table.
According to emailmonday, organizations saw improved customer experience (45,9 %), improved quality of leads (37,7 %), and an increased number of leads (34,9 %).
Also, companies that automate their lead nurturing with email marketing platforms see at least a 10% increase in revenue in 6-9 months by HubSpot.
Because automating your email marketing can be done in a very natural and not pushy way, open rates for drip campaigns are about 80% higher and lead nurturing emails get 4-10 times more responses compared to an email blast.
So, if your b2b digital marketing is done right and your drip emails are set up accordingly, drip campaigns generate 80% more sales at a 33% lower cost.
And another thing, drip campaigns generate 50% more sales-ready leads via steady communication with them. Which of course is automated, and you do not need to do anything after everything is set up.
With that being said, organizations have reported that using marketing automation to nurture prospects experience a 451% increase in qualified leads by SensibleMarketing, and businesses also experience a 45% increase in lead generation ROI according to GetDrip.
So, I hope that the drip email marketing strategy is could be something for you to automate your b2b marketing.
My Recommended Email Marketing Automations:
2. Social Media Scheduling Tool
The second on the list of b2b marketing automation strategies is social media scheduling.
If you are somebody like me, then you do not enjoy being on social media all the time and trying to come up with some cool stuff to post to increase following and more importantly drive more leads.
Heck, social media can be a tough job. Therefore, you should automate even your social media and spend less time on it and bring more leads.
Of course, some people like to be on social media, but that is not me. So luckily, I have started using social media tools to schedule my post a week or two weeks ahead.
Once I started automating my social media my results rapidly improved. I could drive much better results with just 6 or fewer hours a week and drive twice as many leads.
Therefore, if you do not use scheduling tools for social media, you gotta start because you waste a lot of your time and even money.
You can get much better results by automating your posts.
That’s why this is one of my favorites as I do not like to spend so much time on social media, but I know it’s an essential place to be for lead generation.
So, I hope you will soon automate your social media and improve your overall b2b marketing results as I did.
Honestly, now I am using an agency that prepares me content every week and I just schedule it. Takes 15 minutes and I am good to go. And the results are awesome.
My Recommended Social Media Scheduling Tools:
3. Teach ChatBots to Respond to FAQs
Another very important b2b marketing automation strategy is using chatbots to answer FAQs.
If you ever worked as a customer service representative, you would understand how often you get the same 10 questions every day. Therefore, automating your life chats will free up the time and your customer service can focus more on the important tasks.
Also, not to mention that chatbots are just great to bring extra leads. From my experience, you can easily get 10% more leads just by adding chatbots to your website.
How does it work?
Many times, your B2B target audience is not ready to purchase until they have all the answers they need. They need to be sure.
Therefore, by having chatbots you can quickly capture these leads, provide first-hand help instantly, and make them sure about your product and services. As sometimes it can be just one missing piece of the puzzle that stops them to make a purchasing decision.
So, if you solve this puzzle, they feel confident.
It happened to me many times that prospects had one question and with the right answer they got confident and wanted to set the meeting.
Bingo! One hot lead coming in.
That’s why not just having live chat is important but also automating the FAQ so you can free your time.
Trust me, you would be surprised how often you would get the same question every time.
4. Autoresponder for Every Contact & Lead Form
The next on our list of B2B marketing automation strategies is to set up an autoresponder for your contact and lead forms.
Autoresponder for your contact form, lead magnet, or any sort of form is just becoming a must to deliver a great user experience and it helps your business too.
Automating your B2B marketing is about reducing repetitive tasks which can be easily taught and outsourcing to the computer so you can dedicate your time to other more important tasks.
Autoresponder for your form not just free up your time but also improve customer experience by providing proof that you have received the message well and you are working on it.
I mean how many times have you filled up a form and didn’t get a response back. It confuses you whether the form is working or you did something wrong.
So, automating your responses will improve your time efficiency and improve your customer service.
This is especially important for sales and customer service which should respond as soon as possible, especially that they have acknowledged the problem and they are on it. This is especially important if you sell leads.
5. Leads Integration with Your CRM
The next B2B marketing automation strategy is to integrate your lead form data with your CRM to automate manual CRM input of lead information.
Digital marketing has a great potential to bring leads from many different channels for example social media, websites, advertising, email marketing, etc.
This can be quite challenging if you are bringing consistent leads every day and the more you bring; the more important is to synchronize your lead data capture with your CRM system.
Manually inserting your leads into your CRM is a total waste of time nowadays when you can get simple integration software and let it be automatic.
Imagine that you get 10 leads a day and each lead takes approximately 5-10 minutes to put in. That’s a lot of time just to put the leads into the system that could be used on more important tasks.
Yes, leads are important but remember, you should focus on the 20% of the task, that gives you 80% of the results.
Trust me inserting leads is not one of them, it is just a total waste of time when it can be done automatically.
Therefore, it is great to automate your b2b digital marketing with the simple integration of your website and tools with CRM.
For example, HubSpot is great as they understand it and so you can automate leads input with the majority of software and tools.
6. Automate Your Reporting
The next essential B2B marketing strategy on this list is to automate your reporting.
Modern marketing is all about collecting data and transforming it into insights so you can make informed decisions. Therefore, the next thing you should do for your b2b digital marketing is to automate reporting.
I used to spend so much time collecting data from all kinds of different sources like my website analytics, ads, lead forms, and email marketing and trying to put it together.
I could spend days creating a meaningful report to have insights for me to decide what will be the next smart step in my b2b digital marketing.
It’s essential you automate your reporting so, you can quickly react to market changes and make informed decisions without big guessing.
Luckily, most of the tools are already equipped with integration options with most modern CRM and systems so it eases your work to connect data.
For example, systems like HubSpot, Dynamics 365, and SAP are already having these options so you can remove silos and have all the data in one place.
Especially with technology like the Cloud CRM system, it is becoming easier. Therefore, ask your technical team to connect as many of your channels so you free up your time and you can focus on more important tasks than just generating reports.
But please do not take me wrong as data are the biggest assets the company has to become even more prosperous. As it shows you what works and what needs improvements or be cut off.
7. Content Suggestions Based on Prospect Interest
And the very last on this list of B2B marketing automation strategies is content suggestions based on prospect interest.
Your B2B target audience is searching for relevancy and the company which provides the most relevant solutions to prospect needs usually wins.
Yes, with so much information on the internet prospects are searching for an answer to their specific questions and industries.
According to HubSpot, 43% of people admit they skim blog posts.
That means people nowadays search only for the exact answer to their questions. So if prospects search for black sheep, they won’t be satisfied with the grey sheep’s answer, because they know the information is there and they just need to find it.
That’s why this strategy is extremely important for your b2b target audience and whole b2b digital marketing.
As automating your content suggestions will improve your open rate, bounce rate, user time spent on your content, and ultimately lead generation, and ultimately lead generation, particularly for B2B SaaS lead generation strategies.
Therefore, the next b2b digital marketing strategy to automate is your content suggestions.
Especially if you already invest a lot of resources in generating content then you should also invest to get it in front of the right people to maximize ROI.
B2B marketing automation strategies are for you to ease your work and deliver even better results with less effort and time.
Thanks to machine learning and artificial intelligence, there are many tools you can use to start creating powerful b2b digital marketing plan which brings incredible results.
Of course, it requires some learning and time investment, but overall you will not just save your time but money for your company and even generate more from already used channels.
So do not be afraid to try new marketing tools as most of them offer 30 days trial, so you can determine whether it works for you or not.
I recommend every business to try to use new tools as you would be surprised how many of them deliver incredible results and great ROI.
And sometimes you will wonder how you could live without it.
So, don’t worry to use new tools for your b2b digital marketing and automating as much as you can, so you can focus on more important things like your customers.
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Some of my links are affiliate links, which means if you purchase something, I might get some small commission as a reward for reference. Of course, I am actively using all these services and products, and I only affiliate products or services I have full trust in their quality!