In this article, we will discuss some of the most important reasons why digital marketing is important for your business as well the advantages and disadvantages of digital marketing, the biggest myths about digital marketing, and the most important statistical reasons why digital marketing is important for your business.

I will provide the most current and relevant data to digital marketing so you can make better decisions.

As it is important when you are deciding about something you need to have data and information to make a better and more informed decision.

That’s why I believe that the best possible way for me to help you is to give you as much as possible data, information, and statistics about digital marketing and why it is important in the modern world.

Let’s just start with a number that 4.33 billion people are on the internet searching, purchasing, entertaining, and pretty much any of your B2C or B2B personas are on the internet.

And they spend on average 6h and 30mins online daily. So not just digital technology is used by many people but also for a long time.

But let’s start explaining more about digital marketing and why it is important. Let’s look at what it is actually and how it can help you.

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What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is a series of strategies, techniques, and technologies (emails marketing, social media marketing, inbound marketing, conversion rate optimization, SEO, etc.) across channels (emails, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, website, etc.) on the internet used to drive leads, sales, conversions, and other important objectives to the business.

Yes, it is correct, modern digital marketing has fingers in any part of the buyer journey. This is very important as 60% of the buyer’s journey is complete before they speak to a salesperson.

Customer-Journey and b2b buyer journey digital marketing is important

(Source: uk.idc)

As you can see, there are 2 sides to digital marketing, and both are important for your marketing.

The left side is called the pre-purchased phase, that’s when your marketing effort aims to bring more leads or sales, qualify them and close them.

The right side is called the post-purchase phase, that’s the time to make sure your customers are totally satisfied with your product or service. Again, your goal is to make customers satisfied and ultimately bring more leads and repeat the cycle.

Both these sides are essential to digital marketing and that’s what is modern digital marketing.

digital marketing is a way to bring, nurture, convert leads and satisfy your customer along with sales and customer service. Therefore, these departments can’t be separate anymore.

If you want to know more, I have written a full guide about B2B Digital Marketing, I strongly recommend you to read it if you are new to b2b digital marketing. Also, to have a better picture of your b2b target audience read this guide, so you can create more impactful B2B digital marketing strategies.

5 Top Advantages of Digital Marketing

Before I will talk about the true reasons why digital marketing is important for your business, first I would like to talk about the most profound advantages of digital marketing as I believe it is an important part to know why digital marketing is so popular.

Of course, there are many advantages of digital marketing and every marketer will find different advantages more important than the others, as it is depending on your current digital marketing strategies, marketing resources, and the industry you’re in.

Therefore, these are my top 5 advantages of digital marketing:

1. Artificial Intelligence can help you drive results

The first advantage of digital marketing is using AI to drive better results.

As I mentioned in the beginning, digital marketing has different parts and one of them is using technologies, more importantly, artificial intelligence technologies.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in marketing to improve every part of your marketing. Therefore, drive better results for your business with AI.

For example, AI improves your targeting with ads, email marketing, or content delivered to your target audience based on their interest.

AI in digital marketing is irreplaceable technology for marketers to bring more with less. Therefore, AI is awesome leverage for marketers to level up their marketing game.

As I can’t imagine doing marketing without AI. That’s why the very strong advantage of Digital Marketing is Artificial intelligence.

Look at these examples of AI in marketing:

These are great examples of using AI in Marketing. I recommend you read them as they will give you an idea of how AI can be used in marketing.

2. Unlimited Potential to Reach Anybody, Anywhere at Anytime

The next advantage of digital marketing is it has almost an unlimited reach.

Across the world, you can find internet users and the number is growing day by day. Therefore, your potential to reach people across the world is almost unlimited.

You can drive leads from Australia and the USA at the same time, while your business is in the UK. Thanks to the internet, you have almost unlimited potential to expand your business, and becoming a global business was never easier.

what percentage of the world has internet access

Source: Oberlo

According to Internetworldstats, 57.3% of the entire world’s population has internet access and the active number of users on the internet is growing day by day.

why digital marketing is important because global digital population grows statista


Most of the internet users come from Asia, as 2,300,000,000 people are having access to the internet. 727,000,000 people from Europe, 522,000,000 people from Africa, 453,000,000 people from Latin America the Caribbean, 327,000,000 North America has internet.

That’s why your potential to drive sales or leads across the planet is unlimited as in every part of the world you can find internet users.

Therefore, digital marketing is a great strategy for organizations to drive demand whether local or global as no matter where you are or where you are expanding, there are usually people on the internet, searching for your products and services.

Let’s look at the advantages of digital marketing reach for your business.

  • Your Target audience is online, doing research for your product and services, less and less buyers are actually contacting salesperson but more depending on self-education on the Internet. Your Target audience is most likely doing online research before they contact you or visit your store.
  • Digital Marketing can reach people across the world as the easiest way to expand your business is online. No matter what you do, it is always great to start with digital marketing because it is easier to bring people to a new place from the internet rather than from traditional outreach.
  • While you are sleeping your digital marketing can bring leads. Why digital marketing is important is because you can just drive leads 24/7 without you being physically there. It is a great strategy that uses a lot of leverage to bring new and repeat customers.

3. It’s working 24/7 without you doing the legwork.

The next great advantage of digital marketing is the accessibility 24/7 non-stop. That’s why I would like to give it an extra section as it is an important advantage of digital marketing.

Especially for those who do not have a proper digital marketing strategy in place.

To give you an example, one of my clients has been mostly generating leads from roadshows, events, and references.

But only a few leads came from the internet. Not something they could sustain. But after we discuss and set up a proper digital marketing strategy, they started generating the same amounts of leads with digital marketing with just a fraction of the cost of previous traditional marketing.

And this allowed them to further increase their budget for digital marketing and start expanding beyond. Of course, they still do traditional marketing as it is important especially after covid-19 when events, conferences, etc. are becoming more effective than in pre-covid-19 situations.

That’s why this is a great advantage of digital marketing, as once you create it and optimize it, you will be driving tremendous results whether you are sleeping, having a meeting, or on holiday, the leads will be coming.

And trust me, it is a nice feeling to wake up and see new leads on your list every single day.

4. Automating Digital Marketing is Not Luxury Anymore

Automation is a big thing across many industries and the same in digital marketing.

Unfortunately, many marketers think that automation is still a luxury for them and they can’t afford it.

Therefore, let me discuss another amazing advantage of digital marketing and why digital marketing is important for your organization so you can actually change your entire digital marketing.

Yes, automation changes the entire way how to do your marketing on the internet as it can remove the tedious work from your shoulders, and you can more focus on optimizing and improving your digital marketing.

Let’s just look at these 3 common examples of digital marketing automation.

  • Automatingte your emails is the first and foremost most important for SMB. It is a great way to ease your marketing effort and actually drive better and more leads. I always recommend starting with the automation of your lead nurturing campaign.
  • Teach bots to answer FAQs is another great way to drive leads and improve your marketing, customer service, and customer experiences. Remember, your prospects have many questions and objectives and many of them are similar. Therefore, bots are great to answer them very quickly and effectively. Trust me, sometimes it is just an answer to what’s stopping your prospect from contacting you.
  • Automate sharing of your posts. Creating blog posts takes around 3-4 hours is said. From my own experience, it takes almost a week, but I do not just do blog posts and my average blog posts have 4,500+ words, not 1,000. But no matter what, it takes a lot of time therefore you should automate the posting and sharing process on social media, newsletters, and other channels.

If you are interested in more detailed b2b digital automation strategies, I have written an entire article about it.

5. Bring More, Better Quality, and Cheaper Leads or Sales For Your Business

The last point from the top 5 advantages of Digital Marketing is the great ability to bring leads and/ or sales to your business.

Marketers should be always trying to optimize their strategies and tactics to bring the best from their budget.

Unfortunately, not every marketer is doing it.

The reason why digital marketing is important to me is that I can always do a bit better every single day, with proper Conversion Rate Optimizations strategies I can drive better results for my company.

Digital Marketing can bring more and it is very simple to do that. One of the benefits of digital marketing is analytics and data collection.

You can drive so much data that you can always:

  • Bring more leads or sales for your business if you optimize your landing pages, websites, ads, social media posting, and pretty much anything that can be always a bit better. With the right statistics and data, you can drive more leads or sales with the same strategies and budget.
  • Better quality leads: Of course, it is not always about the number of leads. Long story short, I have brought 300 leads and 0 could be used. Therefore, the next great advantage of digital marketing is to rapidly improve the quality of your leads.
  • Cheaper cost per lead. According to LyfeMarketing, traditional marketing is way more expensive and I must agree. When I do events, they cost a fortune. But with a fraction of the price I can bring the same leads with digital marketing. (Both are important!)

5 Top Disadvantages of Digital Marketing

Not everything is a bed of roses in digital marketing, and it has its own big disadvantages that should know about it before you start it.

So let’s discuss the 5 biggest disadvantages of digital marketing:

1. Very Time Consuming

I have spoken about digital marketing automation and using AI to ease your marketing, become more productive and show the big reason why AI and marketing automation is a big thing for marketers.

Digital Marketing disadvantages are part of almost every strategy but this one is almost the problem of every marketer.

Luckily Digital marketing doesn’t need to be expensive, but it is usually very time-consuming to create, analyze and optimize it.

For almost any digital marketing strategy you will do; you need to also think about the time investment it requires. For example to implement SEO Strategy properly or any SEO techniques might take a year or more.

Of course, each strategy is different but ultimately all digital marketing strategies will take quite a big amount of your time. Especially in the beginning.

So, you might benefit from low cost per lead, but the time consumption is also a significant factor for organization expansion. This disadvantage is what stops many organizations to try new digital marketing strategies.

That’s why marketers love automation because it helps to enhance productivity and drive more with an already super busy schedule.

2. Each Part of Digital Marketing is Like a Small Degree

Digital marketing is becoming more and more complex and is important to realize that each of the strategies requires a different set of skills to be successfully implemented.

This is due to the different technologies used within and also different tactics to reach the people and generate leads.

Therefore, one of the biggest disadvantages of digital marketing is that if you want to diversify your marketing effort and as you should be doing it, you need to have different skills in your team.

That’s why digital marketing can be quite heavy on marketing resources from the skills point of view. Whether you outsource it or hire a person for you to successfully deploy a digital marketing strategy.

This digital marketing disadvantage stops many organizations to expand their marketing effort to bring new leads differently.

For example, your organization is currently having in the marketing team a video marketer and email marketer, then starting building SEO or social media marketing can be challenging for them as they lack the essential skill to properly implement new strategies.

Therefore, this is one of the biggest disadvantages of digital marketing as to successfully implement each digital marketing strategy it’s like having a small degree for each of them.

3. Already High on Competition

The effectiveness of digital marketing is spread fast in almost every part of the world and it is no wonder that it did.

For sure you have heard about many digital marketing strategies that just drive tons of leads and trust me, you were not the only one.

Therefore, many marketers have moved quickly to the digital space to drive more leads or sales for their business with a lower cost per lead or cost per sale ratio.

That’s why the next important disadvantage I would like to include within digital marketing disadvantages is the high competition.

Look, digital marketing is an amazing thing to drive leads sometimes even for free. Therefore, many markets had taken this opportunity. competing

That’s why for a new organization it is much harder to succeed on the internet. The Internet is now full of marketers competing with one another to get their piece of cake.

Therefore, it is quite challenging to succeed as a new player within and that’s why it is a big disadvantage of digital marketing as the game is getting tougher.

But that doesn’t mean you should give up like everything good requires patience and perseverance.

4. High Standards from Customers and Prospects

I mentioned an average person spending typically 6 hours and 30 minutes on the internet, whether it is for work or pleasure and so you do.

That is a lot of time browsing and searching and that’s why you expect that your experience will be the best.

Whenever you write an inquiry into a search engine you expect the related website to come up, then you expect that the website will have the answer to your query, also you expect fast loading and quick customer service if needed.

All this is normal for anybody to expect as many organizations had already realized that they need to provide a great user experience otherwise the visitors will bounce off.

Things like related content, fast customer service, and a fast website are just part of being competitive in the digital space.

Therefore, this is a big disadvantage of digital marketing as your prospects expect you to keep this high standard otherwise, they bounce back and find somebody who will provide it.

And search engines know that and that’s what they include within their search algorithms to recognize the speed of the website, the quality content, and user satisfaction so they always provide the best results for their users.

Therefore, thinking from the user perspective is absolutely essential to succeed in the digital space.

5. Very Slow Beginning and Fast Fall

The last of the digital marketing disadvantages is the part when you need to be consistent for a long time to see some actual results.

Unfortunately for doing digital marketing for your organizations, you need to plan that this will take some time, especially with B2B inbound marketing as this technique requires time to bring some results.

For example, to see some organic traffic coming to your website you need to expect that around 6-12 months it takes to see some meaningful results.

Then for you to generate leads or sales it can take another 6-12 months, but that is only if you are consistent and doing everything right, otherwise, it may take even longer.

On the other side, if you are already driving leads via your website and stop optimizing your website and content, then you will quickly fall behind as there are thousands of other websites working hard and optimizing it to take your place.

Therefore, getting on the top in the digital space requires a lot of time, but then you can also lose it quite fast.

8 Most Important Statistics Reasons Why Digital Marketing is Important for Your Company

Before we start talking about the actual reason why Digital Marketing is important for your organization, let’s first say where marketing is going.

What I mean by going is the recent shift within the marketing that is needed as marketers forgot once again about being helpful to their prospects. As it goes back to the old time when sellers were preparing hard pitches.

Ever since we started the inbound marketing technique, marketers had developed it and mastered it to drive leads and business at much lower prices.

But unfortunately, that is disappearing as we, marketers forgot why the inbound marketing technique is so effective.

Therefore, before I give you my most important reasons why digital marketing is important, I want you to stop and think about Inbound Marketing.

Because remember that Inbound Marketing is the most effective technique organizations can have currently.

Once you understand then intercorporate it within your digital marketing and your marketing will amaze you.

But now, let’s jump into the 8 most important statistics reasons why digital marketing is important and why you need it for your organization.

1. 67% of the buyer’s journey is now done digitally

Digital technology had eased our life in many different ways and the big part is the way how we are doing research online on practically anything today.

Therefore, the first reason why digital marketing is important for you is the actual part that most buyers and researchers do not come to you and ask you for help.

As b2b buyers trust fewer salespeople. According to Blender, 82% of B2B Buyers think that salesperson is unprepared.

Therefore, salespeople are losing their prospect’s trust and prospects are more dependent on their research on the internet.

That’s why digital marketing is so important as buyers and researchers want the information from online sources so they can learn more about it without being disturbed by the salesperson.

However, this also applies to B2C industries as well. People do their research before they purchase any product or even before they visit any local store.

So, prepare digital information for your target audience like:

  • eBooks
  • Articles
  • Whitepapers
  • Guides
  • Courses
  • Infographics

All these are great tools to get their attention and slowly nurture them and once they are ready to buy, they will come to you as you will show you are the expert in the industry.

Of course, as I mentioned before, it is important to really focus on the Inbound marketing technique to get this done right.

2. 70% of the buyer’s journey is complete before a buyer even reaches out to sales

The more information is being put on the internet the more people rely upon to find the source of information online rather than calling a salesperson.

As I have mentioned many buyers do not trust salespeople and they rather download digital copies of materials, watch videos, read articles, or go on social media to do their research.

This is possible thanks to almost unlimited information that can be found online on almost any topic. That’s why buyers more relying on the internet when they do research.

That’s why is so important to change your marketing and shifted it into digital marketing as that’s where are your buyers.

According to Articulate, 84% of C-level and VP-level buyers are influenced by social media when purchasing.

And many buyers are going on social media to get advice on products and services when they are researching.

The reason why digital marketing is important for buyers are:

  • Searching online for relevant information
  • They go on social media to get advice
  • They rather get a series of articles than a call from a salesperson

As thanks to the internet, you can decide what you want to learn and when. Therefore, the salesperson is not a reliable source of information anymore, at least at the beginning of the research and buyer journey.

3. 73% of millennials in the US are involved in product or service purchase decision-making at their companies.

b2b-marketing-statistics-millennials why digital marketing is important

It is important to know what generation is becoming the influencers and decision-makers as it will impact how new technologies will be used.

Because new generations are more prompt to use the newer technologies, your marketing should adapt as the workforce generation is changing.

56% of millennials indicate that digital channels are the most important for researching new products and services.

Therefore, knowing the purchasing and researching habits of millennials is important to shift your digital marketing in the right direction.

  • Millennials are always on their smartphones—no surprise there. They own, on average, 7.7 connected devices and use 3.3 each day. (CMO Adobe)
  • When asked about how they will make their next online purchase, 32% of Millennials said they planned to do it on a laptop or desktop computer, 25% said a smartphone, 24% will use a tablet, and 11% will shop in a physical retail store. (USAToday)
  • The “Internet of Me” applies to this generation in a big way, and they’re incredibly engaged with content in every sense of the word. Half of Millennials—versus 38% of the population—consider themselves content creators, and 75% share content online.

These statistics are just about to give you a sense of the reason why millennials are important for digital marketing and why digital marketing is important for your business.

4. 62% of B2B buyers say they can make a business decision based on online content alone.

Making a decision as a b2b buyer usually involves a lot of risk of wrong investment. And decision-makers can even risk their careers if they are choosing expensive products and services like for example ERP systems.

Therefore, b2b buyers are doing very intensive research about your products and services to find whether you are the best decision for them and their companies.

And thanks to almost unlimited data on the internet, b2b buyers can make an informed decision about almost anything without touching up with your experts/salesperson.

That’s why digital marketing is so important as the chance of b2b buyers getting in touch with you for more information is ever decreasing.

So, your digital marketing should be there to help them during their research because once your prospects make decisions, they will go for the most trusted source of information.

5. Over 80% of B2B buyers visit a website before making a purchase decision. 

The website is your digital office and B2B buyers rather visit your website than your real office. That’s why you should also organize your website as it is your office.

But first, you should have a website. If you want to be taken seriously you need to have a website that is:

  • Very well organized, where it is easy to find anything like for user so even for search engine.
  • Your website should be attractive and reflect your industry and expertise.
  • Very customer friendly, create multiple contacts and CTAs (call-to-action) to ease your user to finding what they are looking for.
  • The lightning speed of loading your website as your prospects and search engines do not like to wait. According to Portent:
    • Website conversion rates drop by an average of 4.42% with each additional second of load time (between seconds 0-5)
    • Website conversion rates drop by an average of 2.11% with each additional second of load time (between seconds 0-9)

Creating an effective website for your organization is not as easy as it seems because you need to follow many guidelines of search engines and balance them with users’ experience to get the best of both.

Again, the website is not only important in the B2B industry but also in B2C as well. Website is the basic that every company should create to start with digital marketing.

Therefore, I recommend you have an expert launch an effective website if you do not have it.

Because the website is the most important aspect of your digital marketing. Without it, you will have a hard time creating meaningful digital marketing strategies.

6. Nine out of 10 buyers say online content has a moderate to major effect on purchasing decisions.

The 6th important reason why you should have digital marketing and content within it is that buyers are interested in it.

I mentioned about buyers doing online research and the most trusted source of information usually win the business. Especially in the services industry.

But that also applies to your products, if you will drive great engagement and traffic to your website, social media, etc.

The reason why buyers say that online content is important to them is that it helps them with their research as I said.

So, you need to create helpful content for your target audience.

What is helpful content?

  • Your content needs to address the objections to your prospects and provide answers to them.
  • The content should be relevant to their interest.
  • Helpful content should provide value and expertise within it.
  • Great content should be regularly updated to have information up to date.
  • Great content should be written for your target audience and not anybody else.

These are just a few points that you should know about helpful content for your target audience so even yours help you drive traffic and conversions.

I have written an article about Content that converts your b2b target audience. Have a look to know more about effective content.

7. 92% of buyers are more likely to purchase having read a trusted review.

People are social creatures; they search based on what is trending among their peers and family and people want validation that they have made the right decision.

Therefore, social proof is an important aspect of every marketing and even digital marketing.

If you are not collecting actively reviews and case studies from your best customers, then you are leaving a lot of money on the table. Case studies and reviews have been proven to increase conversion and decrease the sales cycle.

According to hawkeye, 71% of B2B buyers in the awareness stage and 77% in the evaluation stage cited testimonials and case studies as the most influential types of content.

digital marketing is important marketers case study most effective type of content

Also, according to marketers, case studies are the most effective type of content. Therefore, marketers should be actively looking to create case studies whenever there is a chance.

As it gives you the social proof that people and buyers need to feel confident. Case studies will create trust between your prospects, and it helps you to move them across the buyer journey.

Of course, you can’t have only positive reviews and nearly 70% of buyers expect to see a mix of positive and negative reviews.

Trust me, when people are searching for products or services and see 5* reviews, they most likely think it’s fake.

People expect that there will be haters. Therefore, the sweet spot for reviews is something between 4.7* stars review. As it shows your expertise and being a real business that has good clients and bad clients like everybody else.

8. 56% of the population is on the internet and it’s growing day by day

The very last reason why digital marketing is important is that the online population on the internet is growing day by day with improving technologies.

Internet technologies are becoming more accessible to almost anybody around the world and experts expect that the number of internet users will only grow year by year.

But that of course influence how people are using the internet as with improving the speed of the internet, buyers will rather use videos, pictures, and other easy-to-learn materials to do their research.

This also correlates with the various types of digital marketing that businesses can utilize to reach their audience.

Nowadays, buyers are not limited by the internet and the type of content they want to consume as 78% of buyers prefer to learn from videos rather than from blog posts.

And it is clear why, as people are visuals creatures and we better learn by listening and observing than from reading.

Therefore, we better retain the information from videos and podcasts than from articles or books.

That’s why the next digital marketing trends will be video marketing and another type of visual marketing.

Also AI is become the next AI digital marketing trends.

5 Top Myths about Digital Marketing

Now, before we end this, I want to also discuss some of the biggest myths about digital marketing:

1. SEO = Content Marketing

Many marketers or business owners think if they will produce content so they will increase traffic and get benefits like SEO does.

The thing is, content marketing is a big part of SEO, but it is not everything.

There are other different types of SEO techniques you need to improve while you are posting your content like for example:

And those are just a few techniques of SEO as you can see there are 3 big aspects of SEO. That’s why SEO content is not everything as all these SEO techniques are important to rank higher in search engines.

Therefore, do not focus only on content, but make sure your website is well balanced and have good SEO and content strategy.

To summarize, the myth of marketers thinking that SEO = content marketing is wrong and now you know why.

2. Social Media are not for B2B

The myth that social media are not for b2b is hugely spread especially among small-medium businesses. For some reason, they believe that social media are not for them.

Even thou they as decision-makers spend a lot of time on social media talking to their friends and peers.

So, let’s clear out this myth once and for all.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 83% of b2b marketers are using social media; making it the most common b2b marketing strategy for the organization.

Additionally, b2b organizations do not just use one social media but on average b2b organizations are using 6 social media to drive demand traffic.

And more than 70% of B2B marketers are using at least one of the “Big 4 b2b social media sites” (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube)

That’s why social media are an important part of b2b digital marketing and a kind of easy way how to drive leads from social media.

So, if you do not understand it, just hire a social media expert, he/she will explain how to drive crazy demand from social media. In the end, you spend time there as well and have been at least influenced by social media. (Same like 83% of b2b buyers have been influenced by social media.)

3. B2B Digital Marketing is about talking to Companies

After years of b2b marketing, I have realized that many b2b marketers do not get the fundamentals right about b2b marketing.

Of course, b2b and b2c marketing are different but you need to realize one thing and that is that you are selling to people and not companies.

This is one of the biggest myths and mistakes I’ve seen from b2b marketers. Therefore, you must realize that companies are managed by people, the same people who are being advertised by b2c organizations.

Yes, I am not trying to say, you should advertise the same way as b2c companies, but you should focus to satisfy the needs of the people you target.

Whether it is financials, sales, marketing, or any other departments, you need to focus on solving their human problems within the work.

Trust me, the company does not have a problem, but people have. Therefore, to advertise in b2b marketing and digital marketing is important to talk to people, not organizations.

4. Video Marketing is not a Thing

Unfortunately, many business owners and marketers are very skeptical about video marketing even though, they spend more time on videos rather than on blogs or any other platforms.

The next big myth about digital marketing is that videos are not just the thing to drive lead generation and other business objectives.

Even thou, videos are having so much potential to be used for businesses.

So, let’s look at some important video marketing statistics you should know:

  • When asked how they’d most like to learn about a product or service, two-thirds of people (66%) said they’d prefer to watch a short explainer video.
  • 86% of people want to see more videos from brands.
  • 95% of video marketers say video has helped increase user understanding of their product or service.
  • 83% of video marketers say video helped them generate leads.
  • 80% of video marketers say video directly helped increase sales.
  • 89% of video marketers say, in general, that video gives them a good return on their investment.

Trust me, video marketing is going to be a big thing anytime soon, so catch the wave while is still here and is small. Because once is bigger it is hard to get on it.

5. Millennials have No Say in Decision Making

The very last myth about digital marketing is that millennials are not in power, which is not true.

According to statistics, 73% of millennials in the US are involved in product or service purchase decision-making at their companies.

And although millennials are not yet CEOs or the main decision-makers, they are the main influencers, especially within the modern technologies as they understand it better than baby boomers.

Therefore, not advertising to millennials could harm your business as they are the one who is doing research and finding potential solutions for their companies.

That’s why it is important to think about millennials in your digital marketing.

Should You Invest in Digital Marketing or Not?

Let’s be honest, this whole article is about why you should be investing in digital marketing. Therefore, I will tell you that you should invest in digital marketing and set up proper strategies to bring more leads.

All the reasons why digital marketing is essential for your organization is because more and more people turn to the internet to get information and more importantly to buy products and services.

You could be the best service provider of gardening but if they can’t find you online, they will find somebody else.

So, stop believing in yellow pages and move to the internet pages, as the more visibility you gain, the more you will drive leads and sales from online channels.

Conclusion: So, why Digital Marketing is Important

Digital Marketing is important because it allows you to reach targeted people based on criteria important to your business across borders and time zones without you being online 24h. It is a technology to allows you to help people with techniques like SEO and Email Marketing, so both parties the seller and buyer get what they need.

All these reasons are my reasons why I think digital marketing is so important for your business and why you should go on it.

Especially during times like COVID-19, digital marketing is the savior of companies to still drive demand where traditional marketing failed.

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Also, check out our SEO hub page to find all our Digital Marketing Resources.


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