The early days when you created a commercial on tv, wrote copy for a local newspaper to amplify your marketing and start calling people so you have enough leads for your business is a long time gone. B2B digital marketing strategies are much more complicated in terms of the experience they receive from the company.

They expect consistency across multiple channels, adaptability to their terms, whether it is their preferred way of communications or receiving information. B2B Prospects want only related information to their pains and needs and anything extra is just a waste of their time.

Therefore, creating precise marketing targeting, communicate through many channels, and create fluid marketing techniques for your prospects so they feel like you take care of only them with special care and love.

Yes, B2B digital marketing plays a big role in departments like customer service and sales to create a seamless and pleasant experience for your prospect and customers.

Also, align your marketing and sales so you can produce better data. Data are becoming the company’s most powerful asset and the ones who analyze it and use it, can adapt faster and stay competitive in the new age of digitalization.

That’s why I am bringing you the best b2b digital marketing strategies for 2025 which will nourish your marketing department and make you look like a star!

1. Video Production

As there are many ways how you can engage with your prospects the video production is becoming one of the most effective in recent years, especially for its convenience to absorb information.

This technique is especially effective because of human nature to remember more than we read something because we are more visual creatures, as for thousands of years we have relied on your sense of remembering by visuals.

Hence, we can easily consume information from videos and pictures rather than reading a blog post, articles, or any written material.

Why digital marketing Video for B2B?

Nowadays b2b companies winning the prospects by educating them on their problems. The one who brought more knowledge to the table usually win the deal. Yes, prospects want to be educated and video marketing is a great way

  • By 2025, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic. Just for your imagination, that is 15 times higher than it was in 2017. The research was done by Cisco
  • At this time, we can monitor that 78% of people watch online videos every week and 55% watch online videos every day. And this trend is only going to grow as millennials going to be in charge of companies and gen Z will come to the marketplace too. This study was done by HubSpot.
  • 59% of executives say they would rather watch a video than reading the text. As I already mentioned it is more convenient and they remember more from that. This research was done by WordStream.

Luckily, with access to modern video tools, video production is becoming easier and easier and you don’t need a massive budget, large team, and expensive equipment to start with the video marketing for B2B.

2. Blogging

Content is the actual king, and there are many ways how you can produce and content for your target audience. I already mentioned video marketing and its benefits but I do not want you to leave text content at all, as it is still a great way to bring more SEO leads for company.

Thanks to a great targeting ability provided by blogging, you can make sure you are getting the right prospects for your company, also bring them educational content which is important to executives when they are researching your solutions.

So, do not skip this marketing technique for your b2b company as it still and will bring many prospects to your b2b company. Additionaly, it’s also greate when you are selling leads.

Why Blogging for B2B Company?

Is B2B blogging good for business? I gave you already a couple of reasons why still blogging is so important for your company, but let’s explain it with some data so you can understand better why b2b blogging is so important for your business.

  • Companies that blog receive 97% more external links than those who do not. This is caused by the helpful content you would be creating, therefore other hobby bloggers and also companies would link to your website, which will result in more traffic and that means leads for your company. Also, it is a great way for SEO.
  • 67% More leads for your company thanks to creating a b2b blog strategy for your company. As it is the main SEO aspect for your company, the search engine has more pages to refer to when a prospect search for an answer related to your business solutions.
  • 52% of B2B Marketers Agreed that blogging is crucial for them as it is a creative source of leads that is very constant and predictive with incredible ROI. In another way, over half of marketers rely on their blogs to bring consistently leads even when they sleep, or are on holiday.
  • 93% of Marketers believe content marketing to be more effective than traditional marketing at generating leads for the company.

There are great benefits of blogging so make sure you read this so you know them all.

How Can You Start with Blogging?

First let’s establish what you have to do if you will be blogging for business so you understand what it actually requires from you and how you can do that, as blogging is a skill too and it requires some time to master it.

So, this is a list of things you must consider when you are starting with B2B Blogging:

  • Expertise: Google’s goal is to provide highly relevant pages provided by experts in an industry and to determine what pages are within their page quality rating, Google is using numerous signals such as backlinks and social media mentions. To fully understand Page Quality Rater Guidelines visit their website. So Are you the Expert in the Industry if not, hire one!
  • Writer: The next part is the actual writing of the blog posts. Over the years of writing articles, guidelines, and email marketing copies and other marketing materials I have developed the skill of writing blog articles, but not every expert is a writer. So, you can hire a writer yourself and guide him with your expertise.
  • SEO Knowledge: Whether you like it or not, writing articles is about SEO as well. Of course, your target audience always comes first and your quality of the article shouldn’t be deteriorated by forcing the SEO practices, but to help search engines to crawl it, understand it and provide better UX, SEO knowledge is essential for writing articles. (Check out my article about How to Write SEO Article in the description)

  • Time: Lastly what you should be considering is your time, whether you can invest the time and effort into blogging for your business. Because blogging is not to create it and leave it, but it requires consistent effort week, after week. So, the question is, can you do that?

Alright if you have positive answers to all of those considerations for Blogging the next step is to set a plan for your Blog.

But because this article is not about Blogging we might cover it within the next article.

3. Lead Nurturing

B2B differs from B2C in that it requires a high level of relationship-building rather than in b2c marketing. Therefore I am including lead nurturing between an essential b2b digital marketing strategies for 2025. Because lead nurturing to take care of prospects who are not ready to buy yet, but they have an interest.

B2B Industry has a much longer selling process, it can take months to close the deal. Prospects want to get to know you, your product, and services and also build some relationship with you, so they can trust to buy from you.

With Lead nurturing you will educate and keep prospects under you as long as they have decided to buy or not.

Why B2B Lead Nurturing?

As I talked about above, building relationships is the key to b2b marketing and selling. But, build relationships takes time and a lot of effort.

Therefore modern b2b digital marketing strategies enhance your lead nurturing.

That’s why you should try to automate at least part of it, so your sales can take more leads under them and also do not let get away your prospects. You will still keep them, for later, once they are ready.

  • 80% of new leads never translate into sales due to sales follow-up late, they are
    already busy with current leads, and my other reasons why leads never become
    sales. With Lead nurturing you would ease the work of sales and increase the
  • Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% of more sales-ready leads at 33% lower cost. As with the right lead nurturing you are able to keep your prospects longer and educate them, therefore build the trust and increase your sales-ready leads.
  • 47% of Nurtured leads make a large purchase than non-nurtured leads. With bringing the right education to your prospects you can also deliver up-sells and cross-sells as you better know what they want and need for their business so you can offer to them through educational content so it is not pushy.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for B2B

With booming digitalization, cloud technology, and IoT, marketing needs to catch up too with all-new inventions across. Search engine optimization is growing on popularity by marketers day by day, thanks to low cost and its return on investments. That’s the kind of tactics marketers likes, isn’t it?

But as search engines changing algorithms every day (Google does 10 updates each day) it is becoming harder to have proper B2B SEO in place, as it is an ongoing journey to constantly improve the website to keep up with it.

But if you have done SEO properly, you can benefit from a constant source of good quality leads, without spending too much budget and with outsourcing, you can find SEO expert cheaply and done for you.

Why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your business?

As b2b digital marketing strategies are evolving the SEO with it too, your website is one of the first interaction with you for your prospects in most of the time. Website is the digital home for your business and if you want to bring more leads, you need to make sure your SEO is done correctly, and once it is, you can benefit from:

  • SEO Generate 20x more traffic opportunities than PPC and both mobile and desktop. PPC – pay per click for example AdWords is when you pay to appear on to of the result of the keyword. On another side, SEO is a tactic that you do to be in search results too in the organic sections, which get 80% more clicks than the PPC section.
  • 57% of B2B Marketers say that SEO Generates more Leads than any other tactic they use. (Junto, 2017)
  • 59% of Marketers say SEO has the biggest impact on their lead generation goals. As most of the decision-makers do research online, only a few people actually go out and start asking questions about the solutions. Because it’s time-consuming and impractical to go out when you can just write a few keywords into a Google and get your answer.

Search engine bringing opportunities served on the silver plate if you play by the rules. As I already mentioned, you can create an SEO website with outsourcing freelancers if you do not know how to do it, so you can start getting organic traffic to your website.

How Can You Start with B2B SEO for Your Business?

Starting with B2B SEO is not that scary anymore like it used to be as there are tons of great tutorials, helpful articles, videos, and more to help you start with SEO for your B2B Business but I will not bore you with those as I found an easier way to get started.

Because SEO is such an important element of your organic traffic and for the whole website there are literally tons of great B2B SEO Tools you can use for your SEO and I would like to mention a few of them I really like.

The first B2B SEO Tool I must recommend is the new Ahref’s free version Webmaster tool, as their free version will give you a great boost in B2B SEO with guidance on what you should fix first and how and why to do that, but then I definitely recommend to buy the full version as they provide even more awesome features.

The next great tool is SE Ranking which comes as a single solution for multiple SEO issues and it helps all marketers like SEO experts, PPC Marketers, copywriters, analysts, email marketers, outreach marketers, and more to focus on your digital marketing and ensure your marketing is doing well.

And I really love this tool as it helps a single person to focus on the big picture or large teams to fix the needy greedy marketing stuff.

And the last and probably the most well-known and used is SEMrush that covers every single B2B digital marketing strategy out there.

SEMRush is to ensure your b2b digital marketing is free of mistakes and errors.

So, all these tools provide free trial or version so you can try them out.

But I definitely recommend using at least some SEO tools for your organization as it will greatly reduce the time of you doing SEO and even more increase the results and the organic traffic from SEO strategies and level up your B2B digital marketing.

You should also be following the latest B2B SEO best practices to implement for your website to maximize your SEO results.

5. A/B Testing

This marketing technique has been here for a long time already and it just transformed into digital marketing too. Marketing requires a lot of copies to be written, especially when each of them has two versions.

A/B Testing has two versions to achieve the same result. Let’s say you want to increase the click-through rate for your emails, but you do not know what works better. Let’s look at an example of a classic a/b testing marketing strategy for email marketing.

Your goal is to have a high open-rate for your email from your subscribers, but you do not know what would work better whether you have a question in your subject or plain sentence.

So, you have created a copy for your email and divided your subscribers into 2 groups. One will receive a subject line with a question and other with a plain text. After a week you can clearly see which email perform better. You repeat the process couple of time and later you know which subject lines usually perform better.

This is a classic example of A/B testing within marketing.

Why A/B Testing for Your B2B Company?

Creating a/b testing marketing requires effort from your side to make it successful but if it’s done properly you can get some great results for your lead generation and improve overall marketing KPI’s.

  • Conversion rates improve with a/b testing as it is one of the simplest metrics to be tracked within a/b testing. As the actual purpose of it is to improve your conversion rates, therefore if it’s done properly, you will have data to know how to improve the conversion rate, whether it is for email, landing page, or any other marketing copies.
  • Reduce the risk of your marketing copies as you will know where you make mistakes and what tickles your prospects. As I have already mentioned, a/b testing is one of the easiest marketing strategies to track and analyze to see the results. So, you can get easy answers for your next b2b marketing campaigns.
  • Improve content for your marketing is always an important goal, to become better year after year to stay competitive and bring new leads. As you will see, what works and what does not work for your target audience. Once you will understand your audience better you can use it across your b2b marketing channels.

6. Social Media

Social media becoming a common thing for b2b companies as over 83% of marketers using social media to achieve their objectives. Also, on average 6 social media channels are used by b2b companies, which doesn’t mean you should right jump in if you do not use either 1. But I want to point out that using social media is important for b2b companies too.

Statistics say that 54% of b2b marketers generating leads from social media. The rest using social media for a different type of purpose, as it solely depends on your industry and the price tag of your products and services.

Therefore, you should try to get at least one of them to improve your digital marketing as overall you can improve your lead generation, search engine optimization, and customer experience.

It’s has been proven that decision-makers are doing their research online, through a search engine and social media too. They want to learn and keep up with the trends, and social media are perfect to get quick and small bites of trending topics within their industry and industries they are interested in. Additionally, social media will become a lot more competitive thanks to AI digital marketing trends.

  • Around 50% of b2b companies said that social media improved their lead nurturing, SEO, and branding, and 25% of them their lead generation noticeably improved too. Obviously, people prefer to do research online for many purposes and over 80% of internet users are on
    social media.
  • 79% of marketers saw an increment in traffic with as little afford as 6 a week spend on social media marketing. Many people have the wrong perception that social media requires a lot of time and effort, but if you are starting, you can easily hire freelancers for a cheap price and let it done for you.
  • LinkedIn generates over 80% of B2B leads for the companies. As the main mission of LinkedIn is to connect professionals like you and me, so you can learn from each other and also help with problems you are facing. Therefore LinkedIn is a great social media for b2b companies.

7. Lead Magnets

You can generate as much traffic as you want for your website, but if you do not have a proper marketing strategy on how to capture them, most of them will go wasted and your marketing budget too.

Lead magnets helping you to improve your lead capturing and get them closer to the purchasing decision which includes you. As I have mentioned, email marketing is a great way how to nurture your leads, but you need a way how to get your prospects in.

Therefore, your Lead Magnets are essential for your overall b2b marketing strategy so you will capture all these valuable leads coming to your website.

The effort of creating and investing in lead magnets will be rewarded for your marketing department. Lead magnets like eBooks, whitepapers, templates, cheat sheets, and so on are a great way to get them in. And as you will see, these metrics will improve once you will create it for your b2b company.

  • 30-40% higher conversation rate is usual results once b2b marketers start applying leads magnets into their websites, email, and landing pages. Remember, most of the executives prefer to take something with them when they visit the website. Therefore, creating bonus information to take “home” for them is what works for them.
  • 95% of more subscribers for your email list. Already mentioned In the article that you will see an incredible result for your email list, as decision-makers will be happy to share with you their contact details for premium content.

8. B2B Local SEO

Next on the list of B2B Digital Marketing Strategies, which are types of digital marketing efforts aimed at generating organic traffic, we have B2B Local SEO.

Local SEO is becoming one of the strongest and probably most important lead generation strategies whether it is for B2B or B2C because it provides highly relevant search results for users and they know it.

According to seotribunal, 46% of all Google searches feature a local intent, and 28% of the searches for something local will result in a purchase. That means Local SEO boost ranking for keywords with purchasing intent.

Also ranking for Local terms can be easier to compete than on a global scale as you would be mostly competing with small and medium-sized businesses within your targeted area.

So that means not just Local SEO brings a lot of traffic, but that traffic has a great potential to bring many new customers for your organization and you have a much bigger chance to rank well for local keywords related to your business.

Therefore, your organization should be focusing on Local SEO especially if you are focusing on local markets whether it is a city, region, or the entire state because the opportunity is getting bigger and bigger as local search terms like “near me” have increased more than 500% in the past few years.

How Can You Start with B2B Local SEO?

Starting with B2B Local SEO is not that hard and there are a couple of strategies you should implement to maximize your B2B Local SEO results to bring organic traffic and leads for your business.

Before we get started I want you to know that B2B Local SEO strategies are available to every business and to get good results you do not need to have such excessive knowledge as for the SEO strategy.

So, I highly recommend you start optimizing your website with Local SEO strategies first as with them you can see results quicker than with B2B SEO or blogging.

And without further due, let me share with you the 5 quick and easy steps to get started with B2B Local SEO for your business.

  1. Claim & Optimize Your Business Listings: There are 3 most important listings you should be on and those are Google Business Profile, Bing for Places, and Apple Maps Listing. All those places have a significant user base that you might be missing out on if you are not having a listing and it is not optimized, like with pictures, addresses, etc. Plus add backlinks to your GBP.
  2. Have Consistent Address Across All Your Channels: One of the most important Local SEO strategies to appear for local search terms is to ensure that your address match exactly like on your website and listing. I recommend copying the address from your Google my Business and paste the exact same way on your website. As you Bing for Places can by sync with GMB.

  3. Create Local Pages for Your Product or Services: Definitely, a great Local SEO strategy is to create local pages for your products and services. For example, if you provide Housekeeping Services in San Francisco you can create a page specifically for that.

  4. Gain Local Backlinks from Local Influencers: Backlinks are one of the most important signals Google is using to determine the quality of the website and the content, as stated on its website: “If other prominent websites link to the page (what is known as PageRank), that has proven to be a good sign that the information is well trusted” So even though link building is the hardest SEO tactic to complete affirm by 65% of marketers (seotribunal) it is well worthy and rewarding when implemented successfully.

  5. Sprinkle Your Local Keywords Around Your Content: Having local pages is essential but it not should be the only page with your targeted location keywords, make sure you are using the local keywords throughout your website, on your blog, product pages, about us page, contact information, etc.

Alright and that was all the B2B Local SEO strategies you can easily implement for your website to quickly get ranking for local search terms and start bringing more organic traffic and leads for your business. Also it could help you with common problems when your business is not showing on Google. If you are medical specialist, check out my local SEO for doctors.

9. Publishing B2B Guest Posts

The next and last from our list of B2B digital marketing strategies for organic traffic is Guest Blogging.

Guest Blogging is one of the ways how your website can quickly gain the trustworthiness of search engines and start ranking for more competitive keywords by getting links from other websites.

Because getting natural backlinks from prominent websites can take over two years for a new website and a year for an already established website if you are using some of the b2b digital marketing strategies for organic traffic.

And with publishing blog articles on the prominent website, you can speed up the process and start quickly ranking, increase your organic traffic and increase your customer base the same way how Buffer App did when Leo Widrich the co-founder wrote approximately 150 guest posts. And managed to grow the customer base for Buffer from zero to 100k customers within 9 months.

Therefore, publishing guest posts and share your knowledge is one of the greatest link building strategies that you can apply when you start building links and rapidly increase your organic traffic.

How Can You Start Guest Blogging?

Guest blogging is like any other outreach campaign and that means, you must find blogs and websites, ideally closely related to the niche, and reach them out that you would like to guest post.

Why closely related? Because Google does differentiate the types of backlinks based on the similarities of the website, so if you are selling SEO Tool, then getting a backlink from a blog related to SEO has a higher value than a backlink from a gardening blog.

And like any marketing strategy, even guest blogging has its rate of success, and to determine how many blogs and websites you have to reach out let’s do a little bit of math.

From my personal experience, I have typically seen a 1-2% acceptance rate for guest blogging for a new website and not a well-known person, but of course, the more famous you are or your blog the higher the acceptance rate is.

But let’s go with the lower number, that means you have to reach out to at least 100 websites to get 1-2 guest posts opportunities.

And how can you find them?

The easiest way is to use Google and use phrases like:

  • Keyword “submit a guest post” / “Submit post” / “Submit blog post” (e.g digital marketing “Submit a guest post”)
  • Keyword “Add blog post” (e.g. email marketing “Add blog post”)
  • Keyword “guest bloggers wanted” ( SEO “Guest bloggers wanted”)
  • Keyword “Submit an article” (local SEO “Submit an article”)
  • Keyword “Send a guest post”
  • Keyword “Write for us”;
  • Keyword “Contribute to our site”;
  • Keyword “Become a contributor”;

And after you find your targeted websites, there are a couple of ways how you can approach it:

  • Personalized message: Hit each blog and website with a personalized message after you research them. It takes a long, but the results are much better.
  • Copy & Paste message: Prewrite your message and then copy-paste with small amendments like Hi [Blog Name] etc. Takes a bit longer and the results are mediocre.
  • Blast it out: Or you can simply scrape email addresses from the website and then blast the same email to all of them using Google Canned Responses.
  • Social media outreach: Connect with the Marketing manager or PR Manager on social media like LinkedIn and build relationships with them. Follow what they like and then personalize your message based on your observation. Works great takes super long!

So, these are the classic approaches of reaching out to get the first guest blogging opportunities, and which one is the best? Well, I use all of them, as each of those has its time and place.

Summary of B2B Digital Marketing Strategies for 2025.

B2B marketing is all about building relationships with your prospects as they go through a journey that can be quite painful for them. If you create a b2b marketing strategy to align and create a pleasant experience for them, they will be happy to buy from you.

Remember, you want to help your prospects on each of the stages of their journey and make it as easy as possible for them to make a well-informed decision which they won’t regret.

That is why it is so important to have strategically planned your b2b marketing so you can achieve a great customer experience, align marketing, and your copies.

And that’s the purpose of this article, to give you the foundation, so you know where to go in 2025 so you can achieve your objective and make your company happy. Do you want to learn more about B2B marketing? Check out my recommendation for best B2B marketing blogs.

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